Latest News

Monday, January 27, 2014


COME and JOIN US on Monday 3rd February 2014, at the Leeds Central Library, to learn more about our projects.

Everything is Possible is offering International Volunteering Opportunities to individuals aged between 16 and above. We’ve got different types of projects FULLY FUNDED all around the world (environmental, social, working with children, sport, music, media, etc.). These projects are OPEN TO EVERYONE and you don’t need any skills, experience or language to participate in it.

There will be 2 sessions at the Leeds Central Library (LS1 3AB):
– information session beginning 2 pm.
– Drop in session: Come whenever you want between 5pm and 7pm.

If you wish to attend one of them please contact Fanny as soon as possible:  / 0113 242 0888


Meeting organised with the support of Europe Direct.

Everything Is Possible has just released the magazine of Comic Sans, our latest project. This is our way to celebrate this brilliant Grundtvig Workshop which gave teachers and other professionals supporting adults around Europe the opportunity to learn how to use comics as a tool for teaching literacy.


Comic Sans supported by ECORYS UK and the Lifelong Learning programme of the European Union took place between the 2nd and the 9th November in Leeds (UK). During one week, participants developed skills and knowledge in photo comics, hand drawn comics, animation and other methods.


The Magazine:



Come to our office in Leeds if you want a printed copy!


This Grundtvig workshop is funded via the Lifelong Learning programme, which has been replaced  by the new European programme Erasmus+ in 2014.

Register to our info session