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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Camping Gear For Local Communities

Following last year success, Everything is Possible will once again be salvaging good quality reusable camping equipment left behind at Leeds and Beacons (Skipton) Festivals.


Every year we pass on to individuals and organisations in the local community, tonnes of camping items which are left behind at Leeds Festival, equipment which has often only been used for one weekend. This year we will be as well at Beacons Festival.

Many organisations really need this material for their activities. So feel free to pass this information on to any organisation you think may benefit from our action.


mail How to getWe tried to make the process as easy as we could for you.
1. Express your interest as soon as possible to Raphael:
2. Download the application and send it to by the 21st August. Click here to dowload the application.
3. One week before the collection date, we will send you all practical info you need to collect your equipment.
4. Our salvage experts will pick the best camping gear for you after the festival.
5. Just come on Tuesday 26th August 2014, between 12.00 and 14.00, with a big vehicle to pick up your order!
6. We will just charge £25 for the Salvage Package, which include a maximum of 5 tents (pop-up, 2men tents, or/and 1*4men tent) )+ you can request a higher number of sleeping bags, mats, camping chairs, pairs of wellies to fill a builder bag! You can also order some extra tents (pop-up, 2 men tents, 4, 6-8 persons). Donation will help us to pay for meals for the volunteers who will be spending the day picking up your camping gear.


mail InterestedPlease contact Raphael who will give you more info and arrange everything with you : / 0113 242 0888



mail qualityWe will be joined by 30 young people passionate by recycling. They will have the mission to find for you the best camping equipment. We’ve got a rule: Each item we collect needs to be good quality.  If it’s damaged, we don’t take it! But if you want you can also check the equipment in case something was missed you can do so when you come to pick it up. If you are not satisfied with an item we will replace it with another.
*Depending on the weather you may have to clean the camping gear (not if August is as beautiful as July!)



mail individualsFor individuals who are not part of an organisation, or organisations that can’t make the dates, please contact Raphael: .



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