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The participants of our latest EVS project “Festival of Opportunity” just flew back to their country after helping local community organisations in the UK.

During two weeks they’ve helped keeping environmentally friendly two major festivals in the UK (including the Leeds Festival); encouraging festival goers to recycle, picking up what could be recycled; and finally encouraging people to donate to charities all the camping equipment they would not take back with them after the festivals.

This amazing project ended with a big salvage at Leeds Festival where our volunteers collected all the reusable tents, sleeping bags, mats and other camping equipments for some local community organisations. This year we supported organisation working with refugees, homeless people, community groups, scouts and even an organisation aiming at developing art.

For example the Sierra Leone Community in Sheffield (SLCS) explained us that the items collected will help them to organise day trips, camping and outdoor activities, in order to “improve the quality of life of Sierra Leoneans in Sheffield and to promote the well-being of its members”.

Please find below some of the feedback from the organisations we supported.

This project has been funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.
Festival of Opportunities 2017 


Feedback from local community organisations











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