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During a week, young people from Australia, Brazil, Sweden and United Kingdom gathered together for a Youth Exchange in England, where they learnt more about each others’ cultures.

At the end of the project we asked some of the participants what activity was their favourite and what they’ve learnt during the week.


Lovisa: “I’ve learnt how to communicate without using languages”

Grace: “I haven’t been overseas before”

Beno: “I got to know many people and made new friends.”

Josh: “This week I’ve been reunited with people I met in Australia. […] I feel like even if you are loud, you still give other opinions and also consider what they think.”

Luisa: “This week I’ve learnt a few new sports.”

Gustavo: “I got to taste different flavors of food and spoke to different people and it is great to have left Brazil.”

Orson: “Something I learned was how to deal with people 24/7 because this is a lot different to dealing with someone like found out today or just like seen someone at school.”

Project organised with IFALL, Westside Circus, ACER Brazil and Hope Learning Trust. Project funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.

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