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My name is Rhianna, I am student from Huddersfield. I took part in the Martinique project.
During the project I have coached Athletics, Biking and Gymnastics to groups of young children. I have also been shopping for, prepping and cooking food for the group. We have also learnt different nautical activities. I have enjoyed the experience as it is something I would not be able to experience at home.
I enjoyed the trip to Forte De France. My favourite souvenir  I bought was banana jam because I had never heard or seen it before.
I have learnt that coaching plans need to be flexible and that having progressions keeps the activities interesting and engaging. Through watching the coaches, I have learnt some new drills that I will use in my coaching practice.
Rhianna Finch


Vocational Educational Training (VET) project part of ‘Discovering More’, co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.

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