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My name is Izzy I am 17 and I am studying sports at Askham Bryan College.
I wanted to take part in this project, because it would look really well on my cv as well as picking up new coaching techniques and skills.
When coaching I did basketball, gymnastics, athletics, biking, football and rugby. All of these activities were really fun and interesting to see others learn and take part. We had a barrier with our French and English but this made it more fun and challenging.
In the free time, we also went to the slave museum, beaches, rum factory, sailing, canoeing and we took part in walking up mount pele.
Thanks to Erasmus+, professionally I have learnt how to socialise with new people and learnt so much from this experience. So thank you again very much for the best opportunity.
Isabel Wheeler

Vocational Educational Training (VET) project part of ‘Discovering More’, co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.
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