I am Archie and I am currently taking part in the Martinique project.
I have learnt many things from this project so far including cooking for myself and leaning basic french. My favourite experience so far has been the rugby session with the local team of a similar age to us. This is because it was enjoyable playing with people from a different background. From this experienced I have learnt how to coach even with the language barrier by using demonstrations and basic french. I feel this will massively benefit my college work and future carer in the sport industry as it will allow me to interact with a wider range of people. I am also planning on going to university so the independent living experience will benefit me greatly.
This has been an amazing experience for me so far and I look forward to continuing with it. Thank you for this opportunity.
Archie Fillingham
Vocational Educational Training (VET) project part of ‘Discovering More’, co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.
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