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My name is Caitlin.
This project has enabled me to develop key skills in preparation for university.
During my project in Martinique, I worked in a team of around 2-3 other people delivering and helping out coaches. I took part in many athletics sessions over there. Aside from coaching, our group took part in many water sport activities such as sailing and kayaking which were really fun but hard work!
During our free time, in the first week of the project, we travelled to Fort De France. There was a lots of food places and souvenir shops and tourists.
The most important skill I developed whilst in Martinique was team working skills. Another good skill I developed was communication- both verbal and non-verbal. Personally, I think that I became a lot more confident.
Caitlin Lunn

Vocational Educational Training (VET) project part of ‘Discovering More’, co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.

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