I am 18 years of age and live in Huddersfield, England, studying a level 3 sport BTEC at Kirklees College.
What motivated me to participate in this project is the fact that I had never been abroad until now and wanted to experience flying, a new country along with the activities Martinique has to offer.
During our free time, my favourite place we visited was the Port De France, the place had a lot to offer and had many amazing sights and tourist attractions.
Thanks to Erasmus +, I professionally learned a few words in French, these assisted my coaching whilst delivering numerous coaching sessions during my time on the project. I also now know how to introduce myself in French. Personally, I learnt that I’m not terrified of flying and I am not terrified of the sea. I have also gained insight into a different country and culture are like outside of England. I now want to visit more places to continue experiencing different places.
Kai Stannard
Vocational Educational Training (VET) project part of ‘Discovering More’, co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.
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