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Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Don’t miss our next Open Day!

COME and JOIN US on Tuesday 11th June 2013, from 1pm to 3pm at the Leeds Central Library (3rd floor), to learn more about our projects.

Everything is Possible is offering International Volunteering Opportunities to individuals aged between 16 and above. We’ve got different types of projects FULLY FUNDED all around the world (environmental, social, working with children, sport, music, media, etc.). These projects are open to everyone and you don’t need any skills, experience or language to participate in it.

If you wish to join this open day, please contact Aurelie: / 0113 242 0888.


Meeting organised with the support of Europe Direct.

Read the first issue of the Newsletter about our international radio project for young people, Radioactive.

This project, supported by the EACEA and the Youth In Action programme of the European Union, has been developed in partnership with organisations from Indonesia, Philippines, Sardinia, Turkey, Sweden and the UK.

Click here to read this newsletter.


Everything Is Possible will be at the Progression Fair organised by Leeds City College (the 3rd largest college of Further and Higher Education in the UK) on Wednesday 1st May, from 10am to 3pm at the Civic Hall, Leeds.

This will be a great opportunity for you to learn about our new international mobility opportunities.



On the 17 May 2013, Everything Is Possible is welcoming young people to its office who are interested in undertaking a mobility project abroad.

All the participants came to our previous Open Day at which 50 young people (and less young) joined us. During that day we presented our many opportunities (Volunteering, Training, Workshops, etc.) around the world (Aruba, Reunion Island, Italy, Malta, and many other countries). We organised this Open Day with the help of Europe Direct at the Leeds Central Library. There are many international opportunities funded by the European Commission but few are know by the public. For this reason this kind of event is very important to give access to people who normally don’t have access to this kind of project

Today, we are discussing their motivations and which volunteering/training project abroad would be the most suitable for them. Everything Is Possible is offering different types of project (environmental, social, working with children, sport, music, media, etc.) all around the world. All the opportunities are supported by the British Council, ECORYS UK and the Youth in Action & Lifelong Learning programme.

Click here for more info about the projects.

Monday, March 18, 2013

OPEN DAY – 28th March

COME and JOIN US on the Thursday, the 28th March 2013, from 2pm to 4pm at the Leeds Central Library (3rd floor), to learn more about our projects.

Everything is Possible is offering International Volunteering Opportunities to individuals aged between 16 and above. We’ve got different types of projects FULLY FUNDED all around the world (environmental, social, working with children, sport, music, media, etc.). These projects are open to everyone and you don’t need any skills, experience or language to participate in it.

If you wish to join this open day, please contact Aurelie: / 0113 242 0888.






100 young people will flock to Leeds this Friday evening to participate in a National Youth Meeting ‘’Young Pride’’ in order to share and evaluate the projects they have experienced over the last six years thanks to European Commission funding.


Many are coming from Yorkshire, but we will also young people from all around the UK. They don’t yet know each other, they all have very different backgrounds (young people with high levels of social exclusion will join with graduates) but all share a common point: they participated in an international project during the last six years supported by the European Commission either through the Youth In Action or the Lifelong Learning programme.  Some volunteered in African hospitals, others participated in a training or vocational workshops in Europe or Latin America, the experiences, like the participants have been diverse and Young Pride will give these young people a chance for Evaluation and Celebration followed by the opportunity to make Recommendations to the European Commission for the future Youth and Education programmes which will commence 2014.


Rebecca Gosh from Huddersfield, 29 years old, went in India in 2011 to volunteer for 1 month. She says: “My dream was to work with children but I didn’t have the skills to fulfil this. After my one month volunteering project in India, I now have developed the skills to pursue my dream.”


Azeem volunteered in 2004 in Norway. Eight years after he said:  “Most of all my time In Norway further cemented my future goals, aspirations, and where I wanted to be in life as the trip greatly increased my confidence. I am originally from a tough council estate and my life could have ended up very different I hadn’t had the determination to succeed in life.”


During this two day event (1st and 2nd March), organised by Everything Is Possible and supported by the British Council, young people will be invited to share their experience, celebrate their achievement and discover ways to capitalise on it. They will be many different workshops to help them: Poetry Slam; International CV writing; celebrating through Drama, Graffiti impact clocks; Radio workshops, and many others.


But the objective of this event is not only to celebrate the achievements these young people have made but also to show to EU policy makers that these programmes really work and have had huge impact on the lifes of young people. Information will be collected to inform them of direct youth recommendations relating to these two programmes.


Clair Brown, co-founder of Everything is Possible, said: ‘’For the past 12 years Everything Is Possible has helped young people specifically but not exclusively with fewer opportunities, to gain self-confidence and increase personal and professional skills by participating in international opportunities supported by the European Commission and the UK National Agencies ECORYS and the British Council. We hope these opportunities will continue and have arranged this event to ensure that the young people we support have the chance to have their voices heard”


For more information or if you want to come at this event and have the chance to interview some young people, please contact Raphael Harfaux We will publish pictures of the event from the 1st March on


Notes to editor:

Everything is Possible (non-for-profit organisation based in Leeds)  specialise in offering international opportunities to individuals aged between 18-30 years old, specifically but not exclusively targeting young people with fewer opportunities.

On the 9th January 2013, Everything Is Possible organised, with the help of Europe Direct, a meeting at Leeds Central Library. This event was a follow-up to an open day organised in November 2012. In total 30 young people came to take their first steps of their sending process with EiP. They discussed with the team about their motivations and which volunteering/training project abroad would be the most suitable for them. Everything Is Possible is offering different types of project (environmental, social, working with children, sport, music, media, etc.) all around the world (for example Aruba, Reunion Island, Italy, Portugal, France). All the opportunities are supported by the British Council, ECORYS UK and the Youth in Action & Lifelong Learning programme.


Since this meeting, some young people have already begun language courses as part of their preparation process before departure. Two are due to go to Reunion Island in June 2013 and one to Italy in May.


Everything Is Possible also participated in the ‘’New Year New Start’’ event on the 24th January which was a brilliant opportunity to meet local people (young people, parents, professionals, partners). During this afternoon, Everything Is Possible presented international mobility projects funded by the European Commission. Hopefully they will spread the word about these fantastic opportunities.

Always wanted to create your own project for your local community without really knowing how to proceed?

Always wanted to change things around you but don’t really know how to create a project and how to find the funding?

So come and join us in our next training Youth In The Dragons Den. During this 4.3 training course, professionals will help you to :

– build confidence and stimulate initiative.

– gain hands on experience of being a leader as well as a team player.

– give you methodology to build your own project especially through the creation of a fictional (or possibly real) Youth Initiatives application and using the well-known television programmes ‘Dragon’s Den’ and The Apprentice as the theme for what we hope will be an inspiring event.


This training will take place in LONDON from the Friday 8th (evening) to the Tuesday 12th (lunch time) March 2013. This training is free.

For more info click here.


Wednesday 21st November, Everything is Possible organized  with the help of Europe Direct, an Open Day at the Leeds Central Library, in order to promote European opportunities abroad. Indeed there are many international opportunities funded by the European Commission (Volunteering, Training, Workshop, etc.), but few are known by the public. Everything is Possible volunteering and training projects were discussed with the public during three info sessions.
Around 40 young people came during this afternoon, expressing at the end an interest to learn more about the volunteering and training projects.
Everything Is Possible’s team would like to thank Europe Direct and the Leeds Library.
All the opportunities are supported by the British Council, ECORYS UK, the Youth in Action and Lifelong Learning programme.

Friday, October 12, 2012

29th-30th August 2012 : CAMPING SALES

Festival Republic and Everything is Possible once again are salvaging good quality useable camping equipment left behind at Leeds Festival 2012: tents, sleeping bags, mats, wellies and others camping utensils. Together we are offering registered charities, local voluntary groups and NGO’s (as well as individuals on particular day) an opportunity to collect camping equipment.

Register to our info session