Here are some of the testimonies and pictures produced during this Youth Exchange that took place in Aruba.
Thank you to the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union, which co-funded this project.

For more than 12 years, our action helped organisations from all around the UK who really need camping equipment for their activities. We passed onto them thousands of tents, sleeping bags, roll mats and tonnes of camping items which are left behind at Leeds Festival; equipment which has often only been used for one weekend. Click here to read feedback from previous years.
We tried to make the process as easy as we could for you.
1. Express your interest as soon as possible to Raphael :
2. Download the application and send it fully completed in Word format by Monday 16th August.
3. We’ll let you know if your application has been selected by the 22nd August.
4. A few days before the collection date, we will send you all information you need to collect your equipment.
5. Our volunteers will pick the best camping gear for you after the festival.
6. If selected you will just have to come on Tuesday 31st August, between 11am and 1pm, with a big vehicle to pick up your order!
7. We will just charge £25 for the Salvage Package, which includes a maximum of 5 tents (pop-up, 2men tents, or/and 1*4men tent max) ) and a few sleeping bags, mats, camping chairs to fill a builder bag! Donation will help us to pay for meals for the volunteers who will be spending the day picking up your camping gear.
8. We encourage you to publish pictures of your camping equipment on social media, taging us @eispossible
We will be joined by 30 young people passionated by recycling. They will have the mission to find for you the best camping equipment. We’ve got a rule: Each item we collect needs to be good quality. If it’s damaged, we don’t take it! But if you want you can also check the equipment in case something was missed: You can do so when you come to pick it up. If you are not satisfied with an item we will replace it with another.
Have a look at previous feedback. Click here.
*As all the equipment has been used at the festival, and our volunteers don’t have the time or equipment to properly clean it on site, we recommend you clean all equipment fully before use. It also depends on the weather conditions.
As part of Discovering More, we ask participants to produce a testimony in the form of a postcards including pictures of them in their project as well as a short description of what they have done and learnt personally and professionally. 70 postcards have been produced on top of numerous videos and written testimonies.
The following book showcases those postcards:
At the end of our latest Vocational Educational Training (VET) project ‘Discovering More’, we contacted all the participants to better understand the impact that this project has had that on their professional and personal life, a few months – sometimes a year – after their return from their VET project.
The following infographic presents the results:
(Wait a moment while it’s downloading)Everything is Possible considers our participants Health and Wellbeing as paramount. We are monitoring all travel situations and destinations where participants are based or are preparing to go. If we consider anyone to be at risk we will repatriate them immediately, if we consider any destination to be unsafe we will not mobilise participants on activities. Where possible we will delay activities so participants do not miss out on a planned opportunity. If you need to contact us call +447970101576/ +44 7970065404 / +441904348843 at any time if you have concerns you want to discuss.
We are thrilled to announce a partnership between Everything is Possible and creates learning solutions. Their mission is to connect all people to learning opportunities that contribute to happier, more fulfilled lives; a vision shared by Everything is Possible!
Our trainees and volunteers will now access their flagship product, a comprehensive and practical lifestyle eLearning platform with a growing library of 1300+ online courses across languages, professional and self-development skills.
Their large catalogue even includes online courses of Papiamento, creole language spoken in Aruba. That’s perfect for our trainees and volunteers.
Thank you!
We are really please to present you our new video of our project in Martinique, hosted by our amazing partner Youth in the Town (Jeunesse dans la Ville)!
During their project our VET trainees (from Kirklees College and Askham Bryan College) had the opportunity to run trainings or assist coaches in various sport such as rugby, football and water sport.
Some inspiring testimonies in it!
Project co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union – The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Everything is Possible considers our participants Health and Wellbeing as paramount. We are monitoring all travel situations and destinations where participants are based or are preparing to go. If we consider anyone to be at risk we will repatriate them immediately, if we consider any destination to be unsafe we will not mobilise participants on activities. Where possible we will delay activities so participants do not miss out on a planned opportunity. If you need to contact us call +447970101576/ +44 7970065404 / +441904348843 at any time if you have concerns you want to discuss.
Here are some pictures of our seminar in the UK.
A very busy day for our Room for Inclusion participants:
— EverythingisPossible (@eispossible) October 17, 2019
✅ presentation of yesterday’s projects visits
✅ dissemination presentation
✅ International opportunities fair
✅ Visit of @YorkStJohn
✅ Discussion about futures projects/plans!
Project funded by #Erasmus+ of the 🇪🇺 EU
Here are some testimonials and pictures of our youth exchange in Aruba.
Here are some pictures of our youth exchange in the UK.
Everything is Possible is very pleased to announce that we have 32 new long term projects to offer in animal care and sport coaching.
These projects are all funded by the European Commission. There are no costs to you. And we arrange your flights, food and accommodation (we can often even help you if you don’t have a passport).
We’ve got training and volunteering projects. Please note that eligibility criteria are different.
The training projects are co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.
Who can apply? You need to be:
● 18+
● living in the UK
● studying in the field of the project you are applying for
● after completing your FE studies ie before starting HE
● we can only offer this projects to you up to 12 months after completing your studies
● you can apply during your summer holidays whilst still studying
1) Malta – Animal care
3 month projects at the Cat Sanctuary (Support staff taking care of street cats) or Mediterraneo Marine Park (Support staff in the birds and reptiles department and animal education presentations.)
● 2 projects starting May or beginning of June 2020 (ending end of August 2020)
● 2 projects between July to October 2020
2) Aruba – Sport coaching
3 month projects at De Palm at Palm Island. Please note that you must have a full driving licence at the time of applying as you need it for your role.
● 2 projects in June/July/Aug 2020
● 2 projects around Dec 2020 – March 2020
3) Aruba – Animal care
2 or 3 month projects at the Donkey Sanctuary or Vets (or both).
● 2 projects any time before 30/8/2020
4) Greece/Crete – Animal care
3 month projects at Archelon (sea turtles). This project is defined by the nesting and hatching season dates so the dates have to be quite specific.
● 2 projects in May/June/July 2020
● 2 projects in July/Aug/Sept 2020
5) Sicily – Outdoor education/sport
3 month projects at Etna Finder
● 2 projects in April/May/June 2020
● 2 projects in June/July/Aug 2020. Again the work is seasonal so the dates need to fit with Etna Finder activities and busy periods so the projects are quite set.
6) Spain – Sport coaching
6 month projects at Spanish ProFootball
● 2 projects available from Jan 2020 (dates negotiable)
The volunteering projects are co-funded by the European Solidarity Corps programme of the European Union.
Who can apply? You need to be:
● 18-30 years old
● living in the UK
● open to anyone. You don’t need to be in education
A) Croatia – Animal care
at the Bear refuge
● 2 projects of 2 months to be completed before end of June 2020
● 2 projects of 3 months after June 2020
B) Greece – Animal care
3 months projects at the turtle hospital.
● 2 projects in May/June 2020
C) Aruba – Sport coaching
6 month football coaching project.
● 2 projects
D) Aruba – Animal care
3 months Donkey Sanctuary and/or vets
● 2 projects
E) Spain – Sport coaching
6 month projects at Spanish ProFootball
● 2 projects
Deadline: 8th November 2019.
If you are interested in a project or would like more information please contact Mel Coward by Friday 8th November:
The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.