My name is Georgia Dickens, 18 and I went on a project in Valencia, Spain
We did loads, we trained with Spanish coaches from SPF, we coached players from San Jose Football club, took morning classes at a Spanish college, visited the Mestallea and watched both men and women’s team play vs Bilbao
During our free time we explored the River park that runs through Valencia.
We had a few Spanish lesson that has helped me pick up a few words in Spanish, but the main thing I learnt during the trip was around how to put on fun football sessions for players and how to deliver them.
During the project I really saw my confidence grow to try new challenges and don’t be afraid to give things ago. I also feel I have become more approachable to meeting new people.
Georgia Dicken
Vocational Educational Training (VET) project part of ‘Discovering More’, co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.
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