My name is Maddie Abbishaw, from Leeds and I went on a project in Valencia, Spain.
The project was designed for me to understand the Spanish was of coaching and playing football. We had 6 sessions with Coach Javi from Spanish Pro football and then used this to coach under 6’s at San Jose Football club twice a week.
During my free time I spent time relaxing in the River Park, either at the basketball courts or watching local teams play matches on the near by trip.
Professionally I learn how to conduct myself in new situations, for example leadership skills that allowed me take charge of the coaching sessions or my station making the desert during our paella experience.
I learnt how confident I am and how much self-esteem I have. I had a brilliant experience that has changed my life.
Maddie Abbishaw
Vocational Educational Training (VET) project part of ‘Discovering More’, co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.
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