My name is Molly Swales, 18 from Scarborough and I went on a project in Valencia, Spain.
I had the best two weeks ever! We took part in and lead football sessions, made paella for our lunch, visited one of Valencia’s top colleges and took part in their sports lessons. I loved every second.
During our free time we had time to explore the beautiful city of Valencia and absorb the culture of the city. We also spent time at the beach.
I learnt a lot about coaching and how to set up coaching sessions for both adults and children. I now know the level of detail required.
My confidence due to this has improved so much. Before this project I was quite a shy person and conscious about myself. Now I put myself outside my comfort zone regularly. Thank you Everything Is Possible.
Molly Swales
Vocational Educational Training (VET) project part of ‘Discovering More’, co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.
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