As part of our new Vocational Educational Training project Moving Feet Opening Mind, we’ve asked our trainees to use their imagination to spread the word about the project and its funder the Erasmus+ project of the European Union.
Just six month into the project, our trainees have proved to be very creative. Some decided to organise exhibitions about their project in their colleges/organisations; while some other created a book/leaflet about the whole project or specifically about a new technic they’ve learnt.
This has already been a success and many young people, teachers, parents and other partners have now heard about the project and about the Erasmus+ programme.
Here are a few examples of what they’ve done:
● In April, trainees from Askham Bryan College (with support from Newton Rigg College) organised a fundraising exhibition. Click here for the pictures.
● In May-June, Trainees from Wigan Warrior held an exhibition to share their experience about their VET project in Martinique. Click here for the pictures.
● In June, trainees from Askham Bryan College (with support from Newton Rigg College) have organised an exhibition about their project in Aruba, at their return in the UK. Click here for the pictures.
● In June-July, trainess from Askham Bryan College organised an exhibition about their project in Malta. Click here to see the pictures.
● At their return from their VET project in Sweden, young trainees made a presentation about their sport coaching project to their classmate: Presentation Sport Coaching in Sweden – VET project
● The second group that went to Croatia (from Askham Bryan College) produced a poster for a mini exhibition in their college: Poster VET project in Croatia by Askham Bryan College
Project guides:
● “Our Guide to Martinique” by James Teixeira, Chloe Myers, Adam Williams, Billy Liptrot and Caius Jenkins from ProCo / Wigan Warriors
● “Our guide to Aruba” by Bryony Allan, Meg Harrison, Becca Cooksey from Askham Bryan College / Newton Rigg College
● Student from Askham Bryan College created a project guide about their VET training in Croatia. As access to internet and computers was extremely limited, they used a lot of drawing: Presentation VET project in Croatia by Askham Bryan College
‘How to’ guides:
● How to complete a husbandry routine and general maintenance at the aruba donkey sanctuary by Rebecca Hawkins and Casey Wilson from Askham Bryan College
● How to prepare an animal for a veterinary procedure by Rowan Halligan and Neve Bray from Askham Bryan College
● How to prepare the visitor centre at the aruba donkey sanctuary by Rebecca Hewick and Jessica Watson from Askham Bryan College
● As part of their VET project in Malta (Mediterraneo Marine Park Malta), Clare Barker and Jessica Watson created a very interesting How To guide “Low Season Bird Keeper”.
In February, a group of students from Kirklees College in Huddersfield took part in a Vocational Education Training (VET) project in Martinique. During two weeks they were involved in activities organised by our partner Youth In The Town (Jeunesse Dans La Ville); teaching various sports to young people and coaching them.
During their project they produced many powerful videos to share the impact that this project had on them and giving details about what they learnt personally and professionally: Seven VET trainees share their experience in Martinique
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