My name is Zoe Belding, I am a female footballer. I went on a project in Valencia.
During the project, most mornings and evening we spend either coaching for playing football. We had two Spanish lessons to help us with the language as well as visiting colegio mascamarena where we took part in their morning sports lessons playing padel.
During the free time, we visited the beach had a tour of the Mestalla, and watched both Male and Female Valencia side in their La Liga games.
Time management is a key skill I have learnt, during the project you have to make sure your on time for each event. For our coaching we had to take public transport getting the right bus at the right time was important.
Personally I learnt that I can adapt to a new culture and city. I now feel really confident about making new step after this project.
Zoe Belding
Vocational Educational Training (VET) project part of ‘Discovering More’, co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.
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