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My name is Harry Bouch. I’m 16 years old and I live in a small village in the UK called Kirkoswald.
I wanted to go to Sweden to see the difference in cultures and sports because I might want to instruct winter sports later on in life.
The project: We are into Swedish schools and learning about their culture, life style and history and how this is different to the UK. We have been into two different schools: a secondary school and 6th form. We have helped run scout activities for a Swedish group of children ages 8-10 and also worked on a reindeer farm for some Sami farmers.
In my free time I have done cross country skiing, snowball fights, swimming, snowmobiling, sledging, walking, dog sledging and ice skating. Me favourite was dog sledging because my Dad breeds sheep dogs and I enjoyed discovering how they train their dogs differently.
I have learnt how I can be independant.
Harry Bouch

Vocational Educational Training (VET) project part of ‘Discovering More’, co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.
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