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My name is Shane Blaylock, I’m 17 years old.
I went on a project in Sweden to do a 2 week experience doing winter sports. Also I have never been overseas before so I was very excited to fly.
During my project, I have experienced things that are nearly impossible to do in England, I have gained confidence in new skills such as ice skating, cross country skiing and reindeer farming. I also got to know Swedish people my age by going into their schools and talking to them, comparing Sweden to England.
In my free time, I really enjoying learning how to ice skate. Skiing is something I’d never thought I’d do and I’ve really enjoyed doing it.
Thanks to Erasmus+, personally, I have build my confidence in talking to strangers whether it being kids in school or people I’ve bumped into down the shops or an a walk.
Shane Blaylock


Vocational Educational Training (VET) project part of ‘Discovering More’, co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.
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